
My favorite dish, “Oysters in oil”

Bon appetit!  Oysters in oil served with sliced onion and black pepper.

The months that have the letter “r” are said to be good months for eating oysters.  It’s that time of year again that I make “oysters in oil.” 

I bought one kilogram of oysters at a department store on my way home just before our 3 day holidays.  We had a feast of oysters during holidays.

I got the recipe from a friend of mine some years ago.  Since then it has become one of my best dishes.  I cook it every chance I get because It’s a good appetizer.  It goes well with both wine and sake though I seldom drink.

To say the truth, I didn’t used to like oysters at all and still I don’t eat raw oysters, but this dish, “oysters in oil,” is an exception to me.  It tastes rich and creamy and the texture is soft like foie gras or lever.  Besides, the recipe is super simple. 

<1> Wash one pound of oysters in salted water.  <2> Drain and dry them.  <3> Heat them on a pan without oil until oysters stop dripping water.  <4> Add two spoonfuls of oyster sauce and stir-fry them lightly.  <5> Remove oysters from the pan and put them in a container along with red pepper, a laurel and a piece of crashed garlic.  <6> Pour oil over oysters till it covers them.  <7> Keep them for a day and serve with sliced onion and black pepper.  <8> It will stay fresh for a month in oil.

I can’t get enough of them, but they say too much of a good thing.  So I always try to eat only a couple of oysters at a time so that I would never get bored with them.
I reuse a bottle of jam as a container.  It stay fresh for a month.

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にほんブログ村 英語ブログへ

2 件のコメント:

  1. お久しぶりです。


    1. Merry Witchさん

      こんにちは〜♪ 最近、更新間隔が空き気味でして…。ww

      牡蛎のオイル漬けは、料理とはいえないような簡単なもの。(笑) でも、すっごく美味しいのでお試しください。
