“Art comes from an explosion!” 芸術は爆発だ!
Taro Okamoto, a Japanese artist, is known for this famous phrase of his and a unique looking sculpture “Tower of the sun” for the Expo’70 in Osaka. Even if you don’t go for art, you may probably know at least one of both.
In his late days, he often appeared on TV variety shows and commercial films and said that phrase a lot like his slogan. It made him very popular but on the other hand, he ended up being recognized as an eccentric artist. I feel a bit sorry that his popularity hid away some of his great achievements, especially his writings and criticism.
Recently, I read a book about him and found some of his interesting remarks. He insisted; “Art should not be skillfully-made, beautiful and comfortable.”
芸術はうまくあってはいけない、きれいであってはならない、心地よくあってはならない。In another word, art should not be orchestrated.
What he meant to say in his phases is to avoid following already-existing value and your production should be made with your instinct.
It reminds me of another words of a Japanese theatre director. He said;
“You can only go so far after you’ve mastered acting.” うまいの先にそんなに広い世界はありません。
Taro’s words give us great warning and encouragement at the same time.
Photos: ©Taro Okamoto memorial museum
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