The other day, I found a tweet that a friend of mine made on Twitter. He said; “Squids from Squid Center taste really good.“
It was just a simple message but I never overlook this kind of gourmet tweets because squids are one of my favorite foods. I felt like going for it right away!
At first, I thought that Squid Center was like a fisherman’s marketplace in a seaside village. Soon, it turned out to be an izakaya or a pub restaurant that has some branches in Tokyo.
The one I went to is in Nihonbashi. When we got there at about 7 p.m., tables in the pub were fully occupied and the air was very animated with a lot of guests. There was a big fish tank near the entrance and I found my dinner fish of the day was swimming in it.
One of the strong points of Squid Center is that they provide us with super fresh fish for the reasonable price. They say that they buy fish directly from fishermen and deliver it to their pubs quickly by their own transportation system. They cut the commission of distributors, it enables them to serve us fresh and lower priced seafood dishes.
The dishes we enjoyed at the night were fresh squid sashimi, an assortment of fish sashimi, squid flitter and grilled enzara. I was very happy with them.

A chopstick rest is also squid shaped!

A list of today’s special.
Tokumori, or a special assortment, Onimori, or a fiendish assortment!? ww

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